Inter-Christian relations

01.05.2012 13:18

DECR Chairman expresses condolences upon terrorist attacks at the University in Nigeria

DECR Chairman expresses condolences upon terrorist attacks at the University in Nigeria Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Department for External Church Relations, expressed his condolences to H.E. Goodluck Jonathan, President of the Republic of Nigeria, upon terrorist attacks perpetrated on the campus of Bayero Christian University on 29 April 2012.
27.04.2012 15:10

(Russian) В Санкт-Петербурге открылась международная конференция, посвященная духовно-нравственному измерению экологии

(Russian) Форум продолжил начатую в июле 2011 года на заседании рабочей группы в Вольфсбурге (Германия) дискуссию о роли Церквей в Европе в преодолении экологического кризиса.
17.04.2012 23:06

International Conference on the Destinies of the Beautiful opens in Moscow

On 17 April 2012, an international forum at St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Humanitarian University began to consider the notion of beauty from the humanities’ position.
17.04.2012 17:52

(Russian) Митрополит Волоколамский Иларион. «Богословие красоты». Доклад на международной научной конференции «Судьбы прекрасного: красота с позиций гуманитарных наук»

(Russian) 17 апреля 2012 года председатель ОВЦС принял участие в конференции "Судьбы прекрасного: красота с позиций гуманитарных наук", организованной Православным Свято-Тихоновским гуманитарным университетом (Россия, Москва) и Католическим университетом Святого Сердца (Италия, Милан).
04.04.2012 13:35

Bishop Nestor and Russian seminarians in Paris venerate the Holy Crown of Thorns

Bishop Nestor and Russian seminarians in Paris venerate the Holy Crown of Thorns On March 30, the 5th week of Lent, a delegation of the Diocese of Chersonese, venerated our Saviour’s Crown of Thorns at Notre Dame. Bishop Nestor of Chersonese was accompanied by the rector and students of the Russian Seminary in Paris.
29.03.2012 22:24

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill meets with Revd. John Upton, President of the Baptist World Alliance

His Holiness greeted the guests and noted with satisfaction that despite considerable theological differences, positions of the Russian Orthodox Church and the Baptist communities on a number of fundamental anthropological issues are near at present.
23.03.2012 17:20

(Russian) Представитель Патриарха Московского и всея Руси при Патриархе Александрийском присутствовал на отпевании Предстоятеля Коптской Церкви

(Russian) 20 марта 2012 года в кафедральном соборе Коптской Церкви был совершен чин отпевания Предстоятеля Коптской Церкви Папы и Патриарха Шенуды III.
23.03.2012 15:09

(Russian) Состоялось очередное заседание комиссии Межсоборного присутствия по вопросам отношения к инославию и другим религиям

(Russian) Члены комиссии рассмотрели проект документа «О церковной молитве за живых и усопших инославных».
21.03.2012 15:12

Representative of the Russian Orthodox Church takes part in interreligious conference at the Italian Council of Ministers

Representative of the Russian Orthodox Church takes part in interreligious conference at the Italian Council of Ministers On 19 March 2012, the conference on Religions, Culture and Integration began at the Palazzo Chigi in Rome (residence of the Council of Ministers of the Italian Republic). Representatives of the majority of religious communities in Italy participated in the conference.
20.03.2012 18:01

Representative of the Russian Orthodox Church takes part in theological conference held in the oldest university in Scotland

Representative of the Russian Orthodox Church takes part in theological conference held in the oldest university in Scotland A conference on Orthodox Ecclesiology and Modernity took place on March 17, 2012, at the University of St Andrews, the oldest university in Scotland and one of the oldest universities in the English-speaking world. Among the participants were Prof Petros Vassiliadis, dean of the University of Thessaloniki’s faculty of theology,…