- The Statute of the Russian Orthodox Church was adopted by the Bishops’ Council in 2000. According to the resolutions of the Bishops’ Council of 2008 and 2011, a number of amendments were introduced to the text of the Statute. The Bishops’ Council of 2013 adopted the amended version of the Statute. New amendments and additions to the Statute were made at the Bishops’ Councils of 2016 and 2017.
- The Basis of the Social Concept
- Basic Principles of Attitude to the Non-Orthodox
- The Russian Orthodox Church’s Approach to Willful Public Blasphemy and Slander against the Church
- The Russian Orthodox Church’s Basic Teaching on Human Dignity, Freedom and Rights
- Act of Canonical Communion
- On the external mission of the Russian Orthodox Church today
- Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church’s Participation in Overcoming the Spread of HIV/AIDS and Work with People Living with HIV/AIDS
- New documents