DECR Chairman

12.11.2009 22:11

Archbishop Hilarion of Volokolamsk explains problems and prospects of relations between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church in a talk with foreign journalists

During his meeting with foreign media people on 11 November 2009, Archbishop Hilarion spoke on burning issues of inter-Christian relations. He said in particular that considerable improvements took shape in relations with the Roman Catholic Church in recent years.
12.11.2009 22:04

DECR Chairman Archbishop Hilarion meets with foreign journalists

On 11 November 2009, the DECR Chairman Archbishop Hilarion met with foreign journalists. He answered questions of the leading mass media representatives from Belarus, Bulgaria, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Greece, Denmark, India, Spain, Italy, Canada, Cuba, Kuwait, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, the USA, Turkey, Finland, France, FRG, Czechia, Switzerland,…
11.11.2009 18:35

Hymns by St. Simeon the New Theologian in poetic translation by Archbishop Hilarion of Volokolamsk published in St. Petersburg

The third revised edition of hymns written by St. Simeon the New Theologian, entitled "Come, O True Light," translated from the Greek by Archbishop Hilarion of Volokolamsk, came out in St. Petersburg.
11.11.2009 18:09

DECR Chairman Archbishop Hilarion’s book “Patriarch Kirill. His Life and World Outlook” presented at the Moscow Patriarchate Department for External Church Relations

Archbishop Hilarion told the audience that the book was written in the form of a dialogue between the author and the main character.
11.11.2009 18:04

A new edition of Archbishop Hilarion’s book “St. Simeon the New Theologian and Orthodox Tradition” came out in St. Petersburg

The fourth edition of the book "St. Simeon the New Theologian and Orthodox Tradition" by Archbishop Hilarion of Volokolamsk came out in the series 'The Library of Christian Thought. Studies."
11.11.2009 10:36

Archbishop’s Hilarion new symphony due to be performed at the Column Hall of the House of Unions

On 12 November 2009, the "Country of Resurrection" Musical Festival held in the framework of "The Orthodox Russia" exhibition will be closed by a concerts performing at which the Tchaikovsky State Academic Large Symphony Orchestra, the Choir of the State Tretyakov Gallery and the St. Petersburg Russian Capella. The programme…
11.11.2009 10:19

Archbishop Hilarion’s musical compositions performed at the Grand Hall of the Moscow Conservatoire

The concert was timed to the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the People's Artist of Russia Boris Tevlin's teaching career. The programme included music by the present-day composers, such as Alfred Shnitke, Rodion Schedrin, Vissarion Shebalin, Astor Piazzola, and Andrew Lloyd Weber.
09.11.2009 17:47

Archbishop Hilarion’s book “Patriarch Kirill. His Life and World Outlook” is due to be presented at the Moscow Patriarchate Department for External Church Relations

A new book by Archbishop Hilarion entitled Patriarch Kirill. His Life and World Outlook will be presented at the Moscow Patriarchate Department for External Church Relations at 12.00 on 11 November 2009. The book was written in response to numerous requests from both church people and those who are far…
09.11.2009 16:21

Archbishop Hilarion: May the Mtsensk Icon of the Mother of God remind us of the Tragic Past of our Fatherland

On 8 November 2009, the Chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate Department for External Church Relations Archbishop Hilarion of Volokolamsk arrived at Mtsensk with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia to bring here the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God found by a German…
09.11.2009 16:18

DECR Chairman gives interview to the Orel and Livny Press Service during his stay in Mtsensk on the occasion of the return of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

(Russian) On 8 November 2009, the Chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate Department for External Church Relations Archbishop Hilarion of Volokolamsk gave an interview to the Orel and Livny diocese press service during his stay in Mtsensk on the occasion of the return of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of…