DECR Chairman

13.12.2013 20:28

DECR chairman attends the opening of Moscow International Forum ‘Religion and Peace’

DECR chairman attends the opening of Moscow International Forum ‘Religion and Peace’ Before the session, Metropolitan Hilarion met with Mr. Yuri Artyukh, head of the Department of international cooperation. They exchanged opinions on the state of interreligious relations in the capital of Russia.
12.12.2013 9:31

Metropolitan Hilarion expounds inter-Orthodox relations to students of Moscow theological schools

Metropolitan Hilarion expounds inter-Orthodox relations to students of Moscow theological schools Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, chairman of the Department for External Church Relations, rector of the Ss Cyril and Methodius Institute of Post-Graduate Studies and chairman of the Synodal Biblical and Theological Commission, read a lecture to students of Moscow theological school on “Inter-Orthodox Relations at the Present Stage”.
11.12.2013 2:01

DECR chairman attends a meeting of Presidential working group on prеparations for marking the 1000th anniversary of the death of St. Vladimir

DECR chairman attends a meeting of Presidential working group on prеparations for marking the 1000th anniversary of the death of St. Vladimir Participants in the meeting had a tour of the Moscow diocesan house built in 1902, currently under reconstruction.
06.12.2013 22:47

DECR chairman meets with Mexican Ambassador to Russia

Topical issues on the current international agenda were discussed.
06.12.2013 16:48

Metropolitan Hilarion meets with Croatian Ambassador to Russia

Metropolitan Hilarion said that he had warm recollections of his visit to Croatia last August. He expressed his satisfaction with the results of the referendum held recently in Croatia as the majority spoke against the equation of same-sex unions with traditional marriages.
04.12.2013 18:02

Patriarch Kirill awards executives of the Presidential Administration

Patriarch Kirill awards executives of the Presidential Administration His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia presented high church awards to some executives of the Presidential Administration, at the Patriarchal chambers in the Moscow Kremlin.
02.12.2013 20:18

Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk meets with Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz Archbishop of Krakow

Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk meets with Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz Archbishop of Krakow The sides discussed some questions of the past and present state of Orthodox-Catholic relations.
01.12.2013 12:50

Conference ‘The Future of Christianity in Europe. The Roles of Churches and Peoples of Poland and Russia’ completes its work in Warsaw

Conference ‘The Future of Christianity in Europe. The Roles of Churches and Peoples of Poland and Russia’ completes its work in Warsaw Prior to the final session, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Department for External Church Relations, and the retired Archbishop Henryk Muszyński, former Metropolitan of Gniezno and the Primate of Poland, were honoured with the award ‘For Merits in Promoting Tolerance-2013’, which the Tolerance Foundation gives to…
29.11.2013 20:15

Metropolitan Hilarion speaks at Russian-Polish conference on Future of Christianity in Europe – the Role of Polish and Russian Churches and Nations

Metropolitan Hilarion speaks at Russian-Polish conference on Future of Christianity in Europe – the Role of Polish and Russian Churches and Nations The DECR chairman’s key-speech was devoted to the theme “New Challenges to Christendom: Prospects for Churches’ Joint Actions”.
28.11.2013 22:38

International theological conference on Modern Bible Studies and the Tradition of the Church concludes its work

International theological conference on Modern Bible Studies and the Tradition of the Church concludes its work The forum was attended by leading bibleists and theologians of the Russian Orthodox Church, secular scholars and specialists from abroad.