Metropolitan Hilarion meets with Slovakian Deputy Prime Minister Ján Figeľ
On 7 December 2011, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, chairman of the DECR MP, currently on a visit to the Orthodox Church of the Czech Lands and Slovakia, met with Mr. Ján Figeľ, first deputy prime minister of Slovakia. They were joined in the meeting, which was held as a working breakfast at Double Tree hotel in Košice, by Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to Slovakia P. Kuznetsov, and Archbishop George of Michalovce and Košice.
Metropolitan Hilarion was the representative of the Moscow Patriarchate to the European International Institutions in 2002-09 and cooperated with Ján Figeľ, who worked in the European Commission. During a friendly talk they discussed a wide range of problems, including the role of Christians in the world, and the importance of preserving traditional moral values in the European countries. Prime Minister Figeľ told the DECR chairman about the programme of the Slovakia’s Christian Democratic Party which he leads. Metropolitan Hilarion described the tasks of the Department for External Church Relations.
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