Patriarchal Ministry

19.11.2012 16:52

(Russian) За Литургией в день памяти святителя Тихона Святейшему Патриарху Кириллу сослужили иерархи Грузинской Православной Церкви и игумен Кутлумушского монастыря

(Russian) Божественной литургией в Храме Христа Спасителя начались 18 ноября торжества, посвященные 20-летию Православного Свято-Тихоновского гуманитарного университета.
16.11.2012 12:13

Patriarchal greetings to His Beatitude Tikhon with his election Archbishop of Washington and Metropolitan of All America and Canada

Patriarchal greetings to His Beatitude Tikhon with his election Archbishop of Washington and Metropolitan of All America and Canada His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia sent the following greeting to the new Primate of the Orthodox Church in America.
15.11.2012 10:35

(Russian) Завершился визит Предстоятеля Русской Православной Церкви в Святую Землю

(Russian) Завершился визит Предстоятеля Русской Православной Церкви в Святую Землю (Russian) С 9 по 14 ноября 2012 года по приглашению Блаженнейшего Патриарха Иерусалимского Феофила и Священного Синода Иерусалимской Православной Церкви Святейший Патриарх Московский и всея Руси Кирилл совершил визит в Святую Землю.
15.11.2012 0:32

Patriarch Kirill: Visiting the Holy Land makes a great spiritual impact on one’s life

Patriarch Kirill: Visiting the Holy Land makes a great spiritual impact on one’s life Speaking to the mass media reporters present at the airport, His Holiness said that his trip to the Holy Land was of the utmost importance as it was filled with significant events, among them the consecration of the Church of All Saints Who Shone Forth in the Russian Land at…
15.11.2012 0:19

Patriarch Kirill meets with King Abdullah II bin al-Hussein of Jordan

The King of Jordan said he was glad to meet with His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia for whom he feeled a great respect. King Abdullah II bin al-Hussein also noted the importance of cooperation with the Russian Orthodox Church.
14.11.2012 18:03

Patriarch Kirill visits the Greek Monastery of St. John the Baptist on the Jordan River

Patriarch Kirill visits the Greek Monastery of St. John the Baptist on the Jordan River His Holiness Kirill venerated the Icons of St. John the Baptist. During his visit to the monastery, Patriarch Kirill had a talk with Archbishop Theophylaktos of Jordan.
14.11.2012 13:26

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill blesses waters on the Jordan River

The Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church congratulated all those present on the blessing of waters on the site of baptism of Jesus Christ.
14.11.2012 12:38

(Russian) В Русском доме паломника на берегу Иордана состоялся прием в честь Предстоятеля Русской Церкви

(Russian) В Русском доме паломника на берегу Иордана состоялся прием в честь Предстоятеля Русской Церкви (Russian) Вечером 13 ноября состоялся прием, устроенный управлением делами Президента Российской Федерации по случаю первого посещения Святейшим Патриархом Кириллом Русского дома паломника на реке Иордан. В торжественном мероприятии вместе с Предстоятелем Русской Церкви принял участие Блаженнейший Патриарх Иерусалимский Феофил.
14.11.2012 3:29

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill arrives in the Pilgrim’s Centre on Jordan River

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill arrives in the Pilgrim’s Centre on Jordan River The Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church arrived in the Pilgrim’s Centre on the Jordan River on November 13, 2012.
14.11.2012 3:15

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill visits Tiberias in the course of his pilgrimage to the Holy Land

Is Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia continues his pilgrimage to the Holy Land. On 13 November 2012, he visited the Monastery of the Twelve Apostles in Tiberias.