29.04.2010 17:57
DECR chairman receives Hungarian ambassador to Russia
Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, head of the Moscow Patriarchate’s department for external church relations, met with the Hungarian Ambassador in Russia H. E. Mr. Gyorgy Gilyan on 29 April 2010 at the department. Present at the meeting were also Counsellor Istvan Teszler and Hungarian Trade Representation Minister Istvan Csozik.
29.04.2010 11:23
Chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate’ Department for External Church Relations meets with Moscow Deputy Mayor
On 29 April 2010, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk met with Moscow deputy mayor S. Baidakov at the Moscow Patriarchate's Department for External Church Relations.
28.04.2010 14:53
Code on Holy Sites presented in Istanbul
On 28 April 2010, Code on Holy Sites was presented at the session of the European Council of Religious Leaders. The document, compiled on the initiative of representatives of religious communities and expert circles from different countries, was adopted at the Conference in Trondheim in 2009. It was prepared with…
28.04.2010 13:48
DECR Chairman expresses condolences over death of Bishop Daniel of Erie
Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, Chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate's Department for External Church Relations, sent his condolences over death of Bishop Daniel of Erie to the President of the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad, Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York. The text is given…
28.04.2010 12:05
‘In face of aggressive secularism, religious communities in Europe should act in unity’ – DECR vice-chairman
The European Council of Religious Leaders, taking place on April 26-28 in Istanbul, discussed on its second day the themes ‘Solidarity. Poverty in Africa and Migration in Europe – a Global Challenge for Religions’ and ‘Equality – More Equal Than Others? Minarets, Minorities and European Identity’.
27.04.2010 17:42
Prime Minister Vladimir Putin visits St. Nicholas’s in Vienna
Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, while on a working visit to Austria, visited after the Divine Liturgy on 25 April 2010, St. Nicholas’s Cathedral in Vienna. He was welcomed at the gates by Archpriest Vladimir Tyschuk, rector of the cathedral, and numerous parishioners.
27.04.2010 17:21
(Russian) Святейший и Блаженнейший Католикос-Патриарх всея Грузии Илия II посетил Подворье Русской Православной Церкви в Карловых Варах
(Russian) 18 апреля 2010 года, в неделю третью по Пасхе, святых жен-мироносиц, и день памяти благоверной Тамары, царицы Грузинской, Святейший и Блаженнейший Католикос-Патриарх всея Грузии Илия II, находящийся на лечении в Карловых Варах, посетил храм святых первоверховных апостолов Петра и Павла — Подворье Русской Православной Церкви.
27.04.2010 16:13
DECR vice-chairman meets with Turkey’s President of Religious Affairs Ali Bardakoglu
Hegumen Philip Riabykh, vice-chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate’s department for external church relations, met with Turkey’s President of Religious Affairs Ali Bardakoglu, in the course of a meeting of the European Council of Religious Leaders on 27 April 2010 in Istanbul.
27.04.2010 11:49
(Russian) На Подворье Русской Православной Церкви в Софии была совершена панихида по всем погибшим в результате аварии на Чернобыльской АЭС
(Russian) 26 апреля 2010 года на Подворье Русской Православной Церкви в Софии была совершена панихида по всем погибшим в результате аварии на Чернобыльской АЭС. По благословению Святейшего Патриарха Болгарского Максима панихиду возглавил епископ Величкий Иоанн, викарий Софийской митрополии, в сослужении клириков Подворья.
26.04.2010 23:52