
16.05.2016 14:02

DECR representative takes part in conference of the “Philia” Association for Cultural and Business Cooperation and Friendship with the Peoples of Greece and Cyprus

DECR representative takes part in conference of the “Philia” Association for Cultural and Business Cooperation and Friendship with the Peoples of Greece and Cyprus On 13 May 2016, a conference of the “Philia” Association for Cultural and Business Cooperation and Friendship with the Peoples of Greece and Cyprus took place at the Moscow House of Nationalities.
13.05.2016 12:33

Representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church take part in the session of the Presidential Council for Cooperation with Religious Associations

Representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church take part in the session of the Presidential Council for Cooperation with Religious Associations A session of the Presidential Council for Cooperation with Religious Associations on ‘The Role of Russia in Defence of Believers in the World’ took place under the chairmanship of Mr. Sergei Ivanov, head of the Russian Presidential Administration, at the Kremlin on May 12.
10.05.2016 10:40

Chinese Orthodox faithful complete their pilgrimage to Russia

Chinese Orthodox faithful complete their pilgrimage to Russia The pilgrimage of the Chinese Orthodox faithful to Russia concluded with their visit to St. Petersburg from May 6 to 9, 2016.
07.05.2016 11:54

Archbishop Feofan of Berlin and Germany celebrates at St. George Monastery in Goetschendorf

Archbishop Feofan of Berlin and Germany celebrates at St. George Monastery in Goetschendorf On May 6, 2016, the Bright Friday and the commemoration day of St. George the Conqueror, Archbishop Feofan of Berlin and Germany celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the cathedral of the St. George Monastery in Goetschendorf. This year marks its 10th anniversary.
06.05.2016 22:02

Chinese Orthodox faithful visit Metropolias of Tver and Novgorod

Chinese Orthodox faithful visit Metropolias of Tver and Novgorod On May 5-6, 2016, the Chinese pilgrims, who are on a pilgrimage to Russia at the invitation of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, visited the Russian Orthodox Church’s Metropolias of Tver and Novgorod.
04.05.2016 21:32

Pilgrims from China visit churches and monasteries in Moscow and Moscow region

Pilgrims from China visit churches and monasteries in Moscow and Moscow region On May 3-4, 2016, the Chinese Orthodox faithful, who have been invited by His Holiness Patriarchal Kirill of Moscow and All Russia to come to Russia, visited churches and monasteries in Moscow and the Moscow Region.
04.05.2016 16:57

Minutes of the Holy Synod Session of April 16, 2016

Minutes of the Holy Synod Session of April 16, 2016 The Holy Synod session on April 16, 2016, held a preliminary discussion on the membership of the Russian Orthodox Church’s delegation to the Pan-Orthodox Council to take place from June 18 to 27, 2016.
02.05.2016 23:57

DECR chairman meets with pilgrims from China

DECR chairman meets with pilgrims from China On 2 May 2016, at the assembly hall of Ss Cyril and Methodius Theological Institute of Postgraduate Studies, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Department for External Church Relations, met with the Orthodox pilgrims from China, descendants of the Albazinians.
02.05.2016 21:06

Primate of Russian Orthodox Church celebrates Liturgy at the Cathedral of Dormition in the Moscow Kremlin

Primate of Russian Orthodox Church celebrates Liturgy at the Cathedral of Dormition in the Moscow Kremlin On 2 May 2016, Monday of the Bright Week, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the Patriarchal Cathedral of the Dormition in the Moscow Kremlin.
01.05.2016 23:46

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill meets with a group of pilgrims from China

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill meets with a group of pilgrims from China On 1 May 2016, the Feast of the Radiant Resurrection of Christ, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia met with pilgrims from China, descendents of the Albazins.