Inter-Orthodox relations

21.03.2016 14:48

Trinity Cathedral under construction on Branley embankment crowned with central cupola

Trinity Cathedral under construction on Branley embankment crowned with central cupola On March 19, 2016, a solemn ceremony took place in the French capital on the occasion of the blessing and installation of the main cupola and a cross on top of the new cathedral church of the diocese of Chersonese, on the Branley embankment.
21.03.2016 7:42

Leaders of the country, local churches and foreign diplomatic missions congratulate Patriarch Kirill on 40th anniversary of his episcopal consecration

Leaders of the country, local churches and foreign diplomatic missions congratulate Patriarch Kirill on 40th anniversary of his episcopal consecration On 20 March 2016, the Sunday of Orthodoxy, after the Liturgy at the Cathedral Church of Christ the Saviour, Metropolitan Juvenaly of Krutitsy and Kolomna, read out a congratulatory message to the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church on the occasions of the 40th anniversary of the episcopal consecration…
20.03.2016 20:54

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill celebrates Divine Liturgy in the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour on the Sunday of Orthodoxy

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill celebrates Divine Liturgy in the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour on the Sunday of Orthodoxy That day was marked by the main celebrations on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of episcopal consecration of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill. The actual date was March 14, Monday of the first week of Lent.
20.03.2016 16:41

Metropolitan Onufry of Kiev and All Ukraine visits Greece

Metropolitan Onufry of Kiev and All Ukraine visits Greece The Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, His Beatitude Onufry, Metropolitan of Kiev and All Ukraine, visited Greece.
12.03.2016 14:56

Seminar on Pan-Orthodox Council takes place at Ss Cyril and Methodius Theological Institute of Postgraduate Studies

Seminar on Pan-Orthodox Council takes place at Ss Cyril and Methodius Theological Institute of Postgraduate Studies On 11 March 2016, with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, Ss Cyril and Methodius Theological Institute of Postgraduate Studies hosted a seminar on the Pan-Orthodox Council due to take place on the island of Crete in June this year.
11.03.2016 23:03

Primate of Bulgarian Orthodox Church completes his visit to Russia

Primate of Bulgarian Orthodox Church completes his visit to Russia On 11 March 2016, His Holiness Patriarch Neofit of Bulgaria completed his visit to the Russian Orthodox Church.
09.03.2016 23:20

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill officiates at the IFUOCN-2016 award ceremony

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill officiates at the IFUOCN-2016 award ceremony On 9 March 2016, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia officiated at the 16th annual ceremony of awarding the prize of the International Foundation for the Unity of Orthodox Christian Nations (IFUOCN) “For the Outstanding Activity in Strengthening Unity of Orthodox Christian Nations and for Consolidation and…
09.03.2016 20:49

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill meets with Serbian President Tomislav Nicolić

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill meets with Serbian President Tomislav Nicolić On 9 March 2016, a meeting between His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia and Mr. Tomislav Nicolić, President of Serbia, took place at the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in Moscow.
08.03.2016 20:09

Patriarch Neophyte visits Moscow representation of Bulgarian Orthodox Church

Patriarch Neophyte visits Moscow representation of Bulgarian Orthodox Church On March 8, 2016, His Holiness Patriarch Neophyte visited the Moscow representation of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church in the church of the Dormition of the Most Holy Mother of God-in-Gonchary.
08.03.2016 19:54

Meeting between Primates of Russian and Bulgarian Orthodox Churches takes place in Moscow

Meeting between Primates of Russian and Bulgarian Orthodox Churches takes place in Moscow On 8 March 2016, a meeting between His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia and His Holiness Patriarch Neofit of Bulgaria took place at the Patriarchal chambers of the Convent of the Protecting Veil of the Mother of God in Moscow.