New documents
10.04.2010 23:45
(Russian) Слово Блаженнейшего Патриарха Александрийского и всей Африки Феодора II после молебна в Благовещенском соборе
(Russian) Московская Патриархия, дружественное нам Российское государство, как и проживающие в России наши братья и единоверцы, всегда были для нас дорогими собратьями, а иногда и соработниками на историческом пути Апостольского престола святого Марка. Обе наши Церкви поддерживали друг друга во времена тяжкие и лютые, и сия благословенная традиция продолжается и…
10.04.2010 18:05
(Russian) Предстоятели Александрийской и Русской Православных Церквей выразили соболезнование в связи с гибелью в авиакатастрофе Президента Польши и других членов польской делегации
(Russian) Предстоятели Александрийской и Русской Православной Церквей выразили соболезнование в связи с гибелью в авиакатастрофе Президента Польши Леха Качиньского, его супруги Марии, высокопоставленных лиц государства и многих польских граждан.
07.04.2010 21:55
‘The task of the Russian Orthodox Church’s dialogue with the Catholic Church in Poland is to rise above political conjuncture’. Interview of DECR vice-chairman Hegumen Philip Riabykh with Blagovest-infor news agency
The Katyn tragedy or the Katyn shooting are the names given to the execution of Polish officers who were captured in the course of the Red Army’s entry into the territory of Western Ukraine and Byelorussia in 1939. It is rather a conditional name because Polish captives were shot to…
06.04.2010 19:51
His Holiness Patriarch Kirill congratulates Rabbi Arthur Schneier in his 80th birthday
Dear Brother, Kindly accept my congratulations and best wishes on the occasion of your 80th birthday.
02.04.2010 22:41
(Russian) Интервью митрополита Волоколамского Илариона церковному порталу новостей «»
(Russian) Всем грекам, нашим братьям и сестрам во Христе, и всем читателям «» передаю пасхальное поздравление и желаю духовной крепости во всех испытаниях.
29.03.2010 11:14
His Holiness Patriarch Kirill’s statement on terrorist acts at the Moscow Metro
His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia made the following statement on the terrorist acts at the Moscow Metro on 29 March 2010.
29.03.2010 9:48
DECR chairman’s message to the first European Russian Youth Forum on ‘Preserving the people: What can be done by Russians living abroad’
Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, head of the Moscow Patriarchate’s department for external church relations sent a message to the first European Russian Youth Forum on ‘Preserving the people: What can be done by Russians living abroad’, which took place on 26-27 March 2010 in Brussels. Below is the text of…
27.03.2010 15:12
Patriarch Kirill’s message of greetings to Patriarch of Serbia on the occasions of his Day of Baptismal Glory
His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia has sent the following message to His Holiness Patriarch Irinej of Serbia on the occasion of his Day of Baptismal Glory when a Serb family celebrates the memory of its patron saint.
27.03.2010 15:10
Message by Chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate’s department for external church relations to Patriarch Irinej of Serbia on the occasion of his Day of Baptismal Glory
Below is the message sent by Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, head of the Moscow Patriarchate’s department for external church relations to the Primate of the Serbian Orthodox Church on the occasion of his Day of Baptismal Glory.
25.03.2010 23:35