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His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia sent the following Easter greeting to the heads of non-Orthodox Churches: Pope Francis, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos Garegin II of All Armenians, Patriarch Tawadros II of the Coptic Church; Patriarch Aphrem II of the Syriac Church, and many others:

From the depths of my heart I congratulate you on the Bright Easter of Christ and address you with the words of the ancient Christian greeting:



St. Epiphanios of Cyprus said in his Homily on the Bright Resurrection of Christ that this day was more solemn than other feasts as it is the triumph of renewal and salvation for the whole world. By His death and Resurrection the Son of God has forever trampled down the chains of death and sin and made us joint heirs with Him so that we may also be glorified with Him (cf. Rom 8:17-18). While bearing witness about the Risen Lord, let us share the joy of Easter with those who are near and who are far away, and especially with those who need attention and care, edification and support.

I wish you good health, peace of the soul and God’s help in your noble ministry.

With love in the Risen Christ,


Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia