16.10.2016 20:44
(Russian) Святейший Патриарх Кирилл совершил освящение Успенского собора Сурожской епархии после реконструкции
Other events
19.10.2016 11:51His Holiness Patriarch Kirill completes his visit to Great Britain
19.10.2016 02:00In conclusion of his visit Primate of Russian Orthodox Church answered questions from Russian and foreign mass media reporters
18.10.2016 21:01Patriarch Kirill’s discussion with Archbishop Justin Welby of Canterbury
18.10.2016 17:01Patriarch Kirill meets with Queen Elizabeth II in London
18.10.2016 13:28Metropolitan Hilarion meets with Baroness Anelay
17.10.2016 17:58His Holiness Patriarch Kirill celebrates litiya at the grave of Metropolitan Anthony (Bloom)
17.10.2016 16:03Patriarch Kirill meets with Patriarch Irenaeus of Serbia in London
17.10.2016 00:34Patriarch Kirill attends reception in honour of 300th anniversary of Russian Orthodoxy in Great Britain and Ireland
16.10.2016 23:07Patriarch Kirill’s address after the liturgy at the diocese of Sourozh’s newly consecrated Cathedral of the Dormition
16.10.2016 22:35Patriarch Kirill visits Royal Geographical Society
16.10.2016 01:36His Holiness Patriarch Kirill celebrates divine service in London at the Dormition Cathedral of the Russian Church Abroad
15.10.2016 21:46Patriarch Kirill prays in the building in London rented from 1813 to 1921 to serve as a Russian church
15.10.2016 16:42Patriarch Kirill begins his pastoral visit to Great Britain