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The chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Department for External Church Relations sent the message of greetings to His Beatitude Tikhon, elected Archbishop of Washington, Metropolitan of all America and Canada.


His Beatitude TIKHON

Elected Archbishop of Washington,

Metropolitan of All America and Canada

Your Beatitude,

Please accept my cordial greetings on the occasion of your election as the sixth Primate of the Orthodox Church in America.

The 17th All-American Council has elevated you to the lofty and important ministry of the Metropolitan of All America and Canada. Special spiritual and physical strength is needed for preaching the truths of the Orthodox faith on the North American Continent – this truly vast vineyard of Christ (cf. Mt 21:33-41) which has been cultivated by the toil and exploits of St Herman of Alaska, St Innocent and your heavenly patron St Tikhon of Moscow.

I believe that through the intersession of the holy and equal-to-the-apostles enlighteners of the American land, God will give you His mighty helping hand (cf. 1 Pt 5:6) and establish and guard (cf. 2 Thess 3:3) the Orthodox Church in America, the youngest in the family of Local Autocephalous Churches, against any discord and disorder.

I hope that your ministry will greatly contribute to the strengthening of the spiritual relations between our fraternal Churches and wish Your Beatitude peace and abundant grace from the All-Generous God.

With respectful love in the Lord,



Metropolitan of Volokolamsk


Department for External Church Relations

Moscow Patriarchate