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On 18 October 2012, Archbishop Sigitas  Tamkevičius of Kaunas, President of the Lithuanian Bishops’ Conference, sent a letter to DECR chairman Metropolitan Hilarion, in which he expressed, on behalf of Lithuanian Catholic bishops, their concern over attacks on religion in Russia, increased in recent months.

“The increased tension between the freedom of expression and the respect for the beliefs of all people often explodes into inciting hateful attacks against religion in the public forum, – Archbishop Sigitas Tamkevičius says in his letter. – This growing tendency is unfortunately seen in many places throughout the world. Although persecution is not foreign to our Christian path, we must persevere and work to defeat evil with good”.

On behalf of the Lithuanian Catholic hierarchy, Archbishop Sigitas Tamkevičius expressed his solidarity with the Russian Orthodox Church and his hope “that man will learn to use the God’s gift of freedom to build up a world of peace.”