Patriarch Kirill holds lity for victims of road accident in Chernigov Region and flood in Krasnodar Region
On July 9, 2012, the day of mourning for the victims of the road accident in the Chernigov Regions and the flood in the Krasnodar Region, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia held the lity of the dead at the Cathedral Church of Christ the Saviour.
Before the service, the Primate of the Russian Church addressed the congregation, saying:
‘It is a national day of mourning today. Immediately after the first stroke of the elements, we began working to organize aid to those affected. Our representatives, staff members of the Department for Charity and Social Service, are sent to the Krasnodar Region to examine the situation as soon as possible so that we, using our church channels, could ensure the giving all the necessary aid we are able to give.
‘Already now the mass media have communicated our call for collecting things, because an enormous number of people have lost everything. Donations will be collected at the Synodal Department for Social Service in Moscow. We are keeping in contact with the social service of the Diocese of Yekaterinodar.
All that the Church can and must do she will do, for it is her calling, for it is her natural response to God’s call to be merciful.
And now we will commemorate in prayer our brothers and sisters who died from the blow of water elements in the Krasnodar Regions and those, who on their pilgrimage from Pskov and Velikiye Luki to the Pochaev Monastery, ended their life in a terrible road accident. Let us pray for the dead and also ask the Lord to help those who need help today’.
Patriarchate Press Service
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