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With the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, the Synodal Department for Church Charity and Social Service has launched a fund-raising campaign for aid to the victims of floods in the Krasnodar Region.


A team of the Department including two priests and a sister of mercy, who received training in the Emergency Ministry, have left for the region to assess the situation and coordinate the aid effort.


Those who wish to help can place their contributions to the account of the Department for Charity.


Details of the Synodal Department for Charity and Social Service:


Address: 109004, Moscow, ul. Nikoloyamskaya, 57, Build. 7.

ИНН 7709048164, КПП 770901001, ОГРН 1037739255762

Account at the Petrokommerz Bank

р/с 40703810200000001493
к/с 30101810700000000352
БИК 044525352
в ОАО Банк «Петрокоммерц» г. Москва