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On 26 February 2012, the Sunday of Forgiveness, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Department for External Church Relations, celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the Church of the “Joy to All the Afflicted” Icon of the Mother of God together with the clerics of the parish.

H. E. Jelica Kurjak, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Serbia to the Russian Federation, attended the service.

After the service, Metropolitan Hilarion delivered archpastoral homily in which he described the expulsion of Adam from Paradise and reminded the worshippers that the call to repentance has been addressed to all people since that time.

“A special call is addressed to us today, at the threshold of Lent, as its days are the time of repentance. The Holy Fathers called these days a spiritual spring, a spring of human soul… The Church has established this fast that falls on spring so that we see the revival of the nature could thirst for the life which had been destined for Adam and which he had lost.

“Lent begins on the Sunday of Forgiveness. Why is it necessary to ask forgiveness? Because we cannot be reconciled with God if we do not make it up between ourselves.

“God calls us to live in peace with all people. How can we keep inner peace in our hearts? First and foremost, through repentance and benevolence to the others.

“I ask you to forgive me and to spend the time of Lent in repentance and spiritual transformation.

“May the Lord help us and give us strength during Lent.”