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Speaking at the Bishops’ Conference held on 2 February 2010 in the chambers of the Church of Christ the Saviour, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia publicized the following statistics: in the Russian Orthodox Church as of today, there are 160 dioceses, 207 ruling and auxiliary bishops, 28434 priests and 3625 deacons.

There are 30142 acting parishes, 788 monasteries including 386 male monasteries and 402 convents.

Last year two new dioceses were established, those of Kaliningrad and Buryatia, and seven episcopal consecrations were performed including five in Russia and two in Ukraine.

In the first year of his patriarchal office, His Holiness Kirill visited 24 dioceses including those which are part of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and the Byuelorussian Exarchate, as well as dioceses in Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan.

Patriarch Kirill also made the first visit to a fraternal Local Church – the Patriarchate of Constantinople.

DECR Communication Service