The Far Abroad

24.02.2010 11:53

Bishop Basil (Osborne) is defrocked and laicised

The Holy Synod of the Patriarchate of Constantinople defrocked Bishop Basil (Osborne) and returned him to lay status due to his wish to marry again, as Archbishop Gabriel of Comana, head of the Archdiocese of Russian parishes under the jurisdiction of the Patriarchate of Constantinople wrote in his letter to…
24.02.2010 11:50

(Russian) В Неделю Торжества Православия в Страсбурге совершено общеправославное богослужение

(Russian) Служение Божественной литургии в Неделю Торжества Православия, в которой приняли участие настоятели греческого, румынского, сербского, грузинского и франкоязычного приходов, возглавил Представитель Московского Патриархата при Совете Европы игумен Филарет (Булеков).
24.02.2010 1:33

(Russian) Святейший Патриарх Кирилл присутствовал на приеме в посольстве Греции по случаю праздника Торжества Православия

(Russian) 23 февраля 2010 года в Посольстве Греции в Москве состоялся традиционный прием по случаю Недели Торжества Православия. На праздновании присутствовал Святейший Патриарх Московский и всея Руси Кирилл.
22.02.2010 18:46

Prefect of the Moscow Central District leads a delegation to Dublin

A delegation from the city of Moscow led by Moscow Central District Prefect A. Alexandrov visited the Church of Sts Peter and Paul serving as the patriarchal church representation in Dublin, on the Sunday of Orthodoxy, the first Sunday of Lent.
16.02.2010 23:02

Patriarch Kirill meets with Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia met with the Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou on February 16, 2010, at his working residence in Chisty Pereulok.
14.02.2010 2:17

Patronal feast of the Three Hierarchs metochion is celebrated in Paris

On 12 February 2010, the Three Hierarchs metochion in Paris, the main church of the Korsun diocese in France, celebrated its patronal feast. Archbishop Innokenty of Korsun, Archbishop Gabriel of Comana, Patriarchate of Constantinople, and Bishop Michael of Geneva, Russian Church Abroad celebrated the Divine Liturgy together with clerics from…
11.02.2010 16:45

Rector of Kiev theological schools visits Holy Trinity Seminary in Jordanville

On February 8, the archbishop met with His Beatitude Johan, Metropolitan of All America and Canada. They discussed cooperation between the educational institutions of the Orthodox Church in America and the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.
11.02.2010 12:38

The Days of Russian Religious Culture in Santa Cruz Province, Argentina

The Days of Russian Religious Culture opened at the cultural centre in Rio Gallegas, the capital of Santa Cruz province, Argentina, on 2 February 2010, as a part of the Days of Russia, '" reports.
11.02.2010 12:24

Album on Iconography issued in Honkong in the Chinese and English languages

The Russian parish of Ss Peter and Paul in Honkong published an album "An Icon. Its History, Symbolism, and Meaning," 'Voskresenie' Association of Russian Culture reported on 10 February 2010.
10.02.2010 19:45

Clerics from Russia celebrate requiem service at the tomb of Metropolitan Laurus of the blessed memory, the First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad

On 6 February 2010, during the All-Night Vigil celebrated at the Synodal Cathedral of the "Sign" Icon of the Mother of God in New York, the First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad, Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York, archpastors and clerics met the honourable head of St.…