The Far Abroad

08.04.2010 22:53

Metropolitan Hilarion attends Paschal reception at the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

On 8 April 2010, a Paschal reception was given at the mansion of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on behalf of the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate's Department for external church relations was among the guests.
07.04.2010 21:11

(Russian) Пасхальные богослужения совершены в Афганистане

(Russian) В столице Афганистана Кабуле были совершены богослужения Страстной седмицы и Пасхальная служба.
07.04.2010 18:58

On Annunciation Day Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia visits Donskoy Monastery

Present at the thanksgiving were guests from the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland including Archbishop Yukka Paarma of Turku and Finland, director for international relations Risto Cantell, the archbishop’s secretary Rev. Heikki Jaaskelainen and the Rev. Timo Roskvist, as well as Lithuanian Ambassador to Russia Antanas Vinkus and the chairman…
07.04.2010 16:00

DECR chairman meets with Colombian Foreign Affairs Minister

DECR chairman Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk met on 6 April 2010 with Colombian Foreign Affairs Minister Jaime Bermudez Merizalde who is in Moscow on an official visit.
05.04.2010 12:19

Easter celebrations in Vietnam

In seaside Vung Tau, Vietnam, the Easter service was led by Rev. Sergiy Zvonarev, DECR acting secretary for far-abroad countries, who came to the city for the purpose at the request from the local Orthodox community, the Russian Orthodox Parish of Our Lady of Kazan.
05.04.2010 2:17

Easter liturgy celebrated in Harbin after long interruption

Over one hundred Russian compatriots came to the church of the Protecting Veil in Harbin, China, on Easter Day, April 4, 2010, for the Easter matins and liturgy. Most of them made confession and took communion.
03.04.2010 20:37

The Passions in Orthodox perception are deeply imbued with the theme of the Resurrection and radiant Paschal joy

Metropolitan Hilarion’s interview to the church news portal
31.03.2010 19:08

DECR vice-chairman meets with Egyptian ambassador to Russia

Archpriest Nikolay Balashov, vice-chairman of the Department for External Church Relations, met with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Arab Republic of Egypt to the Russian Federation, H. E. Alaa al-Hadidi.
31.03.2010 18:45

Victims of terrorist attacks in Moscow Metro commemorated in Strasbourg

A requiem service for the victims of the terrorist attacks in Moscow Metro was held on 31 March 2010 after the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts at the church of All Saints of the Russian Orthodox Church.
31.03.2010 14:23

Patriarch Kirill meets with Cuban Ambassador Juan Valdes Figueroa and chairman of the Cuban Institute of Ophthalmology academic council Dr. E. Martinez

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia met with Cuban Ambassador to Russia Juan Valdes Figueroa and chairman of the Cuban Institute of Ophthalmology academic council, Frank E. Martinez.