The Far Abroad

13.02.2012 12:25

Litiya at the tomb of the first vice-Consul of Russia in Palestine, Vladimir Timofeyev, is celebrated at the metochion of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jaffa

Russian Cultural Centre in Tel Aviv gave a reception on the occasion of Diplomats’ Day. Message of greetings from Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov was read out; Russian Ambassador to Israel, Sergei Yakovlev, warmly greeted his colleagues.
13.02.2012 9:38

Prayers for Syrian Christians are offered up at the metochion of the Russian Orthodox Church in Damascus

Prayers for Syrian Christians are offered up at the metochion of the Russian Orthodox Church in Damascus On 11 February 2012, the Divine Liturgy was celebrated at the Church of St. Ignatius the God-bearer – the metochion of the Russian Orthodox Church in Damascus. On the commemoration day of the patron saint, the parishioners offered up zealous prayers for Christians in Syria. The liturgy was followed by…
10.02.2012 13:58

(Russian) Цикл просветительских бесед проводится на Трехсвятительском подворье в Париже

(Russian) По благословению епископа Корсунского Нестора в парижском храме в честь святителей Василия Великого, Григория Богослова и Иоанна Златоуста начался цикл воскресных бесед на богословские, исторические и другие темы.
10.02.2012 13:33

A church consecrated in the Monastery of the Dormition in Thailand

On February 9, 2012, Archbishop Mark of Yegoryevsk, director of the Moscow Patriarchate’s office for institutions abroad, who is on a visit to Thailand, consecrated the church dedicated to the Dormition of the Mother of God at the Monastery of the Dormition in Ratchaburi.
10.02.2012 12:33

(Russian) В Лондоне состоялась межправославная встреча молодежи

(Russian) Собравшихся приветствовал архиепископ Сурожский Елисей.
09.02.2012 17:33

Russia will protect Christian minorities in the Middle East

Russia will protect Christian minorities in the Middle East Metropolitan Hilarion expressed his wish that, if Vladimir Putin wins the presidential election, systematic protection of Christians subjected to persecution in different countries will be one of the trends in Russian foreign policy.
07.02.2012 17:18

Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk meets with Cuban ambassador to Russia

On February 7, 2012, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, head of the Department for External Church Relations, met with the Cuban Ambassador to Moscow, Juan Valdes Figueroa, at the DECR. Participating in the meeting were also M. Palacio, a DECR staff member, and Mr Alejandro Simancas, a counsellor of the Cuban…
06.02.2012 17:35

(Russian) Состоялось ежегодное собрание Патриарших приходов в Канаде

(Russian) Состоялось ежегодное собрание Патриарших приходов в Канаде (Russian) Собрание по традиции началось с общей молитвы.
06.02.2012 13:14

(Russian) В Мюнхене состоялось прославление в лике местночтимых святых Александра Шмореля

(Russian) В Мюнхене состоялось прославление в лике местночтимых святых Александра Шмореля (Russian) Александр противостал антихристианскому нацистскому режиму, создав подпольное студенческое движение «Белая роза». За это он был казнен 13 июля 1943 года в тюрьме Штадельхайм в Мюнхене.
03.02.2012 15:46

Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church meets with Ambassador of Great Britain

His Holiness and Ambassador Barrow exchanged greetings.