Patriarchal Ministry

24.01.2012 18:54

Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church and His Beatitude Patriarch Theodoros have a brotherly talk

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill described recent events in the life of the Russian Orthodox Church, including the establishment of new dioceses. His Beatitude Patriarch Theodoros spoke of the three new dioceses of the Patriarchate of Alexandria and of missionary achievements in the tropical Africa.
24.01.2012 16:40

(Russian) Святейший Патриарх Кирилл поздравил Предстоятеля Болгарской Православной Церкви с днем тезоименитства

(Russian) Святейший Патриарх Кирилл поздравил Предстоятеля Болгарской Православной Церкви с днем тезоименитства (Russian) 21 января Болгарская Православная Церковь праздновала память преподобного Максима Исповедника, Небесного покровителя Святейшего Патриарха Болгарского Максима.
23.01.2012 22:20

Patriarch Kirill opens 20th International Christmas Readings

Patriarch Kirill opens 20th International Christmas Readings The 20th International Educational Christmas Readings were opened on January 23, 2012, at Gostiny Dvor, Moscow. Its theme is Education and Morality: Concern of the Church, Society and State.
23.01.2012 19:26

Patriarch Kirill and Metropolitan Christopher of the Czech Lands and Slovakia have a brotherly talk

Patriarch Kirill and Metropolitan Christopher of the Czech Lands and Slovakia have a brotherly talk His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia had a brotherly talk with His Beatitude Christopher, Metropolitan of the Czech Lands and Slovakia, who came to Moscow at the invitation of His Holiness to take part in the 20th International Educational Christmas Readings, on January 23, 2012, at the…
23.01.2012 14:19

(Russian) Доклад Святейшего Патриарха Кирилла на XX Международных Рождественских образовательных чтениях

(Russian) 23 января 2012 года в Гостином дворе в Москве состоялось торжественное открытие XX Международных Рождественских образовательных чтений «Просвещение и нравственность: забота Церкви, общества и государства».
22.01.2012 0:05

Primate of the Russian Church officiates at the awarding ceremony of the International Foundation for the Unity of Orthodox Christian Nations

The Primate of the Russian Church welcomed the prize-winners and the guests and, together with Prof. Alexeyev presented diplomas and badges to the prize-winners-2011.
22.01.2012 0:01

(Russian) Слово Святейшего Патриарха Кирилла на XII церемонии вручения премий Международного фонда единства православных народов

(Russian) 21 января 2012 года в Зале церковных соборов Храма Христа Спасителя Святейший Патриарх Московский и всея Руси Кирилл возглавил XII церемонию вручения премий Международного фонда единства православных народов.
21.01.2012 19:44

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill meets with President of the Palestinian National Administration Mahmoud Abbas

The Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church congratulated Mahmoud Abbas with the IFUOCN prize and called the awarding a symbolic event.
14.01.2012 21:02

Patriarch Kirill congratulates Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk on 10th anniversary of his archpastoral ministry

Patriarch Kirill congratulates Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk on 10th anniversary of his archpastoral ministry (Russian) Святейший Патриарх Московский и всея Руси Кирилл направил председателю Отдела внешних церковных связей Московскго Патриархата митрополиту Волоколамскому Илариону поздравительное послание по случаю 10-летия архиерейской хиротонии.
09.01.2012 2:12

Primate of the Russian Church celebrates Grand Compline at the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour

In the evening of January 8th, 2012, the 30th Sunday after Pentecost and the feast of the Synaxis of the Most Holy Theotokos, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill celebrated Grand Compline at the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour.