
08.07.2010 15:26

(Russian) Корсунской епархии передана частица мощей преподобной Геновефы (Женевьевы) Парижской

(Russian) Церемония передачи мощей состоялась в католическом кафедральном соборе святого Макловия города Понтуаза. Епископ Понтуазский Жан-Ив Риокре передал средневековый мощевик архиепископу Корсунскому Иннокентию.
07.07.2010 16:30

Metropolitan Hilarion on symbolism of name in Christian tradition

Speaking on the Church and the World talk-show, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, head of the Moscow Patriarchate’s department for external church relations, explained the difference between a guardian angel and a heavenly patron and the symbolism of name in Christian tradition.
07.07.2010 13:48

(Russian) Паломники из России вновь посетят Грузию

(Russian) С 11 по 18 июля 2010 г. агентством православного паломничества «Марфа и Мария» организуется очередная паломническая поездка к святыням Грузинской Церкви, приуроченная к ежегодному празднованию Положения честной ризы Пресвятой Богородицы во Влахерне (память 2/15 июля).
07.07.2010 13:47

Moscow Patriarchate’s department for external church relations discusses cooperation with Moscow Government

The Moscow Patriarchate’s department for external church relations and the Moscow Government discussed cooperation on 6 July 2010 at the Moscow Mayor’s Office.
06.07.2010 19:42

Metropolitan of the Czech Lands and Slovakia awards two Russian citizens

On July 6, at his residence, His Beatitude Christopher, Archbishop of Prague, Metropolitan of the Czech Lands and Slovakia, awarded Mr. Dmitry Malyshev, adviser to the chairman of Gazprom Neft’s board, and Mr. Igor Vozykov, a well-known sponsor and former top manager of the Transneft company, the highest church order…
06.07.2010 16:36

Working Group for Cooperation between Russian Orthodox Church and Russian World Foundation meeting

The meeting considered support for the Russian World Foundation’s projects aimed at development of compatriots’ spiritual life and participation of church representatives in the 4th Russian World Assembly to take place on November 3, 2010, in Moscow.
05.07.2010 16:31

DECR vice-chairman: ‘As a Russian citizen I am proud that my country has come out as a third party in the re-examination of the Lautsi versus Italy case in the European Court of Human Rights

On July 5, 2010, a Russian-Polish youth seminar on Russia and Poland Today and Tomorrow: The View of the Younger Generation took place at the Higher School of Economics (HSE). It was organized with the support of the Russian-Polish Public Forum and the Federal Agency for Youth.
05.07.2010 15:32

Moscow mayor receives Athonite monks

Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov received on 1 July 2010 a group of monks from Holy Mount Athos led by Archimandrite Simeon from Dionysiou Monastery. Participating in the meeting were Moscow city officials and Hegumen Nikon Smirnov, rector of the Moscow representation of St. Panteleimon’s Monastery on Mouth Athos.
05.07.2010 12:13

French officials visit Russian seminary in Paris

The head of the French Interior Ministry Central Bureau for Cults, Mr. Bertrand Gaume, and French Foreign Ministry adviser for religious affairs, Mr. Olivier Poupard, visited the Russian Seminary in Paris on June 30, 2010. The visit was reported by the official website of the Moscow Patriarchate’s diocese of Korsun…
05.07.2010 12:03

(Russian) В Софии прошли торжества по случаю очередной годовщины интронизации Святейшего Патриарха Болгарского Максима

(Russian) 4 июля 2010 года Болгарская Православная Церковь торжественно отметила 39-ю годовщину интронизации Святейшего Патриарха Болгарского Максима. Божественную литургию в кафедральном соборе во имя святого благоверного князя Александра Невского возглавил митрополит Варненский и Великопреславский Кирилл в сослужении архиереев Болгарской Церкви, а также представителей Русской и Румынской Православных Церквей.