
09.02.2011 11:28

Patriarch Kirill’s condolences over the death of Sister Varvara (Trofimova), abbess of the Pyukhtitsy Convent

Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia has expressed condolences over the death of Sister Varvara (Trofimova), abbess of the Pyukhtitsy Convent of the Dormition. In his letter to the acting abbess Sister Philareta, he writes:
09.02.2011 11:13

Metropolitan Hilarion’s condolences for the death of Abbess Varvara (Trofimova) of the Pyukhtitsy Convent

In connection with the death of Sister Varvara Trofimova, abbess of the Pyukhtitsy Stauropegial Convent of the Dormition in Pyukhtitsy, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, head of the Moscow Patriarchate’s department for external church relations, has expressed condolences to the acting abbess Sister Philareta (Kalacheva) and to the clergy and sisters…
09.02.2011 10:47

Metropolitan Hilarion meets with Russia’s representative to the UN

Metropolitan Hilarion meets with Russia’s representative to the UN Metropolitan Hilarion emphasized his conviction that these themes should occupy one of the man places on the UN agenda. They also discussed some specific initiatives in which it is possible to develop cooperation.
08.02.2011 23:44

(Russian) Святейший Патриарх Кирилл поблагодарил Предстоятелей Поместных Церквей, выразивших соболезнования в связи с терактом в аэропорту «Домодедово»

(Russian) Святейший Патриарх Кирилл направил благодарственные послания Предстоятелям Константинопольской, Антиохийской, Иерусалимской, Грузинской, Сербской, Румынской, Кипрской, Польской Православных Церквей, Православной Церкви Чешских земель и Словакии, а также Архиепископу Карельскому и всей Финляндии.
08.02.2011 17:12

DECR chairman meets with UN Under-Secretary-General

Welcoming the guests from the Russian Orthodox Church, Mr. Akasaka pointed to the growing importance of religious factor in the world politics and the related significance of cooperation between world religious communities and the UN.
08.02.2011 16:48

(Russian) Палестинское монашество

(Russian) Палестинское монашество (Russian) Интервью митрополита Волоколамского Илариона интернет-порталу «Православие и мир».
08.02.2011 12:56

(Russian) Скончалась настоятельница Пюхтицкого монастыря схиигумения Варвара

(Russian) Отпевание и похороны матушки Варвары назначены на 10 февраля.
08.02.2011 10:00

Metropolitan Hilarion meets with President of the “Appeal of Conscience” Foundation

Metropolitan Hilarion meets with President of the “Appeal of Conscience” Foundation Metropolitan Hilarion told Rabbi Schneier of recent events in the life of the Russian Orthodox Church, for instance, of the decisions on external church relations taken by the Holy and Sacred Bishops’ Council held on February 2-4.
07.02.2011 22:07

First volume of the English edition of “Orthodox Christianity” by Metropolitan Hilarion is presented in New York

First volume of the English edition of “Orthodox Christianity” by Metropolitan Hilarion is presented in New York On 6 February 2011, the first volume of Metropolitan Hilarion’s book Orthodox Christianity in the English language was presented at St. Nicholas Cathedral in New York.
07.02.2011 22:05

DECR Chairman concelebrates with His Beatitude Metropolitan Jonah at St. Nicholas Cathedral in New York

Praying were clergymen of the Patriarchal parishes in the USA, the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia and the Orthodox Church in America, as well as faculty and students of St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, representatives of the Georgian diaspora and many parishioners.