23.08.2011 16:24
Lecturers of St. Tikhon Orthodox University attend XXII International Congress of Byzantine Studies in Sofia
It is held once in every five years in various countries which have their own tradition of Byzantine studies.
23.08.2011 11:21
(Russian) В праздник Преображения Господня епископ Корсунский Нестор совершил Божественную литургию во французском селении Тальмон
23.08.2011 9:36
Primate of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church receives a delegation of Kazakhstan Metropolis
Metropolitan Alexander told him about the Kazakhstan delegation’s participation in the celebration in the Metropolia of Varna and informed His Holiness about the situation of Orthodoxy in Kazakhstan and the establishment of the Metropolia of Kazakhstan as a new canonical structure of the Russian Orthodox Church.
21.08.2011 19:21
Patriarch Kirill sends birthday message to head of Armenian Apostolic Church
On the occasion of the 60th birthday of Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, Patriarch Kirill sent him the following message.
21.08.2011 19:19
DECR chairman sends congratulatory message to Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians
In his message to the head of the Armenian Apostolic Church, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate’s department for external church relations, congratulated him on the occasion of his 60th birthday
21.08.2011 16:18
President Dmitry Medvedev congratulates Karekin I, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, on his 60th birthday
(Russian) Глава Российского государства направил Предстоятелю Армянской Апостольской Церкви поздравление по случаю 60-летия со дня рождения.
20.08.2011 18:48
Metropolitan Hilarion meets with Patriarch Ignatios of Antioch
Metropolitan Hilarion pointed to a deep concern of the Russian Orthodox Church for the situation of Christians in some Middle East countries, which tends to deteriorate because of the political instability in the region.
19.08.2011 22:39
(Russian) Игумен Филарет (Булеков): Я никогда не ощущал себя в ЮАР в инокультурной среде
(Russian) О становлении храма Русской Православной Церкви на юге Африканского континента и его роли в жизни русскоязычного населения Южно-Африканской Республики рассказывает второй настоятель общины и строитель храма, а в настоящее время заместитель председателя Отдела внешних церковных связей игумен Филарет (Булеков).
19.08.2011 16:50