20.03.2012 18:01
Representative of the Russian Orthodox Church takes part in theological conference held in the oldest university in Scotland
A conference on Orthodox Ecclesiology and Modernity took place on March 17, 2012, at the University of St Andrews, the oldest university in Scotland and one of the oldest universities in the English-speaking world. Among the participants were Prof Petros Vassiliadis, dean of the University of Thessaloniki’s faculty of theology,…
20.03.2012 18:00
DECR chairman meets with a delegation of the French Institute for Higher National Defence Studies
On March 20, 2012, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, head of the Moscow Patriarchate’s department for external church relations, met with a delegation of the Institute for Higher National Defence Studies in France, at the DECR’s Great Hall.
20.03.2012 16:25
Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk meets with Ambassador of Ireland to Russia
Metropolitan Hilarion told the high guests about the main directions of external activities of the Russian Orthodox Church.
20.03.2012 16:20
(Russian) Митрополит Волоколамский Иларион посетил Гребенщиковскую старообрядческую общину в Риге
(Russian) Община является крупнейшим объединением старообрядцев-беспоповцев Поморского согласия.
20.03.2012 16:00
Latvian version of Patriarch Kirill’s book presented in Riga
On 19 March 2012, the Latvian version of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill’s book ‘Freedom and Responsibility: In Search of Harmony. Human Rights and Personal Dignity’ was presented at the premises of the Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ in Riga.
20.03.2012 14:00
Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk venerates shrines of the Latvian Orthodox Church
At the Trinity Cathedral Metropolitan Hilarion venerated the Tolga icon of the Mother of God and the icon of St Seraphim of Sarov.
20.03.2012 9:09
Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk arrives in Latvia
On 19 March 2012, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Department for External Church Relations, visited Riga with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia.
20.03.2012 8:53
(Russian) Епископ Подольский Тихон обсудил с греческой делегацией вопросы развития паломничества к святыням России и Греции
(Russian) 16 марта 2012 года в Москве председатель Финансово-хозяйственного управления епископ Подольский Тихон встретился с греческой делегацией, в состав которой вошли представители Элладской Православной Церкви и Критской Архиепископии, министерства культуры и туризма Греческой Республики, а также руководство греческих паломнических центров.
20.03.2012 8:06