Inter-Orthodox relations

01.03.2010 12:44

(Russian) Болгарская Православная Церковь отметила 140-летие со дня учреждения Болгарской Экзархии

(Russian) В 140-ю годовщину учреждения Болгарской Экзархии в Патриаршем кафедральном соборе во имя святого благоверного князя Александра Невского в Софии была отслужена Божественная литургия.
01.03.2010 12:09

Delegation of the Department for External Church Relations on a visit to Warsaw

A delegation of the Moscow Patriarchate’s department for external church relations was on a visit to Warsaw on February 25-26, 2010. It included Hegumen Philip Riabykh, DECR vice-chairman, and Rev. Seriy Zvonarev, DECR acting secretary for the far-abroad countries.
26.02.2010 22:26

Message of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Holy Synod to Ukrainian President Victor Yanukovich

The Lord has fulfilled His holy will through the declaration of the will of the Ukrainian people. By the Lord’s right hand you have been installed to serve the millions-strong and multinational people of Ukraine.
25.02.2010 23:49

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill meets with the Lebanese President Michel Suleiman

On 25 February 2010, the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church met with the Lebanese President Michel Suleiman at the Patriarchal chambers of the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour.
25.02.2010 12:57

First session of the Inter-Council Presence’ Commission on Theology takes place

The participants adopted the order of the Commission's work and decided to hold seminars with theologians and experts to thoroughly consider the theme on the agenda at the Moscow and St. Petersburg Theological academies, St. Tikhon's Orthodox Humanitarian University, and the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
25.02.2010 12:49

On the day of Ukrainian presidential inauguration Patriarch Kirill and Metropolitan Vladimir hold a service of thanksgiving at Kiev Laura of the Caves

They lifted up prayers for the Ukrainian people and the elected head of the Ukrainian state.
24.02.2010 14:55

DECR chairman meets with Egyptian ambassador in Russia

They discussed preparations for the official visit to be made by Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia to the Patriarchate of Alexandria in April 2010.
24.02.2010 11:53

Bishop Basil (Osborne) is defrocked and laicised

The Holy Synod of the Patriarchate of Constantinople defrocked Bishop Basil (Osborne) and returned him to lay status due to his wish to marry again, as Archbishop Gabriel of Comana, head of the Archdiocese of Russian parishes under the jurisdiction of the Patriarchate of Constantinople wrote in his letter to…
24.02.2010 11:50

(Russian) В Неделю Торжества Православия в Страсбурге совершено общеправославное богослужение

(Russian) Служение Божественной литургии в Неделю Торжества Православия, в которой приняли участие настоятели греческого, румынского, сербского, грузинского и франкоязычного приходов, возглавил Представитель Московского Патриархата при Совете Европы игумен Филарет (Булеков).
21.02.2010 17:20

Patriarch Kirill celebrates the Divine Liturgy on the Sunday of Orthodoxy

On 21 February 2010, the Sunday of Orthodoxy, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill celebrated the Liturgy of St. Basil the Great and the Service of the Triumph of Orthodoxy at the cathedral Church of Christ the Saviour.