Inter-Orthodox relations
10.04.2010 23:45
(Russian) Слово Блаженнейшего Патриарха Александрийского и всей Африки Феодора II после молебна в Благовещенском соборе
(Russian) Московская Патриархия, дружественное нам Российское государство, как и проживающие в России наши братья и единоверцы, всегда были для нас дорогими собратьями, а иногда и соработниками на историческом пути Апостольского престола святого Марка. Обе наши Церкви поддерживали друг друга во времена тяжкие и лютые, и сия благословенная традиция продолжается и…
10.04.2010 21:00
Patriarch Kirill granted the highest award of the Orthodox Church of Alexandria
Awards were also granted to other members of the Moscow Patriarchate delegation.
10.04.2010 20:22
(Russian) Состоялись переговоры Святейшего Патриарха Московского и всея Руси Кирилла с Блаженнейшим Папой и Патриархом Александрийским Феодором II
(Russian) Со стороны Александрийского Патриархата во встрече приняли участие митрополит Пелусийский Каллиник, митрополит Ермопольский Николай, епископ Мареотидский Гавриил, епископ Конопский Спиридон и епископ Нилопольский Геннадий.
10.04.2010 18:43
Patriarch Kirill celebrates thanksgiving at Annunciation Cathedral in Alexandria
On April 10, 2010, the first day of his visit to the Patriarchate of Alexandria, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia celebrated a thanksgiving at the Cathedral of the Annunciation in Alexandria.
10.04.2010 15:53
Patriarch Kirill begins his visit to Patriarchate of Alexandria
The welcoming party at el-Nouzha airport included His Beatitude Theodore II, Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa, Metropolitan Kallinikos of Pelusium, Bishop Gabriel of Mareotis and Hegumen Leonid Gorbachev, representative of the Patriarch of Moscow to the Patriarch of Alexandria.
08.04.2010 22:53
Metropolitan Hilarion attends Paschal reception at the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
On 8 April 2010, a Paschal reception was given at the mansion of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on behalf of the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate's Department for external church relations was among the guests.
03.04.2010 20:37
The Passions in Orthodox perception are deeply imbued with the theme of the Resurrection and radiant Paschal joy
Metropolitan Hilarion’s interview to the church news portal
31.03.2010 13:32
Primate of the Church of Constantinople extends condolences over tragedy in Moscow Metro
A telegram was received by His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia from His Holiness Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople extending condolences over the terrorist attacks on March 29 in Moscow Metro.
30.03.2010 19:54
Primate of the Romanian Orthodox Church offers condolences over the tragedy in Moscow underground
A letter has come to His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia from His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel of Romania expressing condolences over the tragedy that took place on March 29 in the Moscow underground.
30.03.2010 19:46