Inter-Orthodox relations

06.01.2014 16:46

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill congratulates Primates of the Local Orthodox Church on the Nativity of Christ

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill congratulates Primates of the Local Orthodox Church on the Nativity of Christ His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia sent Christmas greetings to the Primates of the Local Orthodox Churches
06.01.2014 16:45

DECR chairman sends Christmas greetings to Primates of the Local Orthodox Churches

DECR chairman sends Christmas greetings to Primates of the Local Orthodox Churches Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Department for External Church Relations, sent Christmas greetings to the Primates of the Local Orthodox Churches
26.12.2013 23:57

Position of the Moscow Patriarchate on the problem of primacy in the Universal Church

Position of the Moscow Patriarchate on the problem of primacy in the Universal Church The problem of primacy in the Universal Church has been repeatedly raised during the work of the Joint International Commission on Theological Dialogue Between the Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church.
26.12.2013 18:17

The Holy Synod concludes its last session in 2013

The Holy Synod concludes its last session in 2013 The Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church held on December 25-26 its last session in 2013.
14.12.2013 9:58

Metropolitan Hilarion meets with Cardinal Christoph Schönborn and Metropolitan Arsenius of Austria

Metropolitan Hilarion meets with Cardinal Christoph Schönborn and Metropolitan Arsenius of Austria On 13th December 2013, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate's Department for External Church Relations, made a short stop in Vienna on his way to Budapest. He is to visit Hungary at the invitation of the Hungarian leadership and with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill…
11.12.2013 12:38

Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of Orthodoxy’s statement on the kidnapping of nuns from St Thecla’s Convent in the Syrian town of Maalula

Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of Orthodoxy’s statement on the kidnapping of nuns from St Thecla’s Convent in the Syrian town of Maalula In connection with the brutal attack carried out by extremists against Syrian Christians, the IAO expressed solidarity with the Christian population in Syria and the Middle East.
04.12.2013 1:28

Statement by DECR Communication Service on the events in Syrian Maalula

Statement by DECR Communication Service on the events in Syrian Maalula It is reported that some nuns and orphans as well as Mother Superior Pelagia (Sayyaf) were taken hostage and driven away in an unknown direction.
01.12.2013 12:50

Conference ‘The Future of Christianity in Europe. The Roles of Churches and Peoples of Poland and Russia’ completes its work in Warsaw

Conference ‘The Future of Christianity in Europe. The Roles of Churches and Peoples of Poland and Russia’ completes its work in Warsaw Prior to the final session, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Department for External Church Relations, and the retired Archbishop Henryk Muszyński, former Metropolitan of Gniezno and the Primate of Poland, were honoured with the award ‘For Merits in Promoting Tolerance-2013’, which the Tolerance Foundation gives to…
22.11.2013 16:00

Metropolitan Hilarion meets with Mr. Igor Radojičić, President of the National Assembly of Republika Srpska

Metropolitan Hilarion warmly greeted the high guest and his suite and shared with them reminiscences of his visit to Banja Luka paid at the invitation of the President of the Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, in November 2012. The DECR chairman noted that the development of relations with Republika Srpska was…
20.11.2013 16:19

On his birthday Patriarch Kirill celebrates the Divine Liturgy at the Church of Christ the Saviour

On his birthday Patriarch Kirill celebrates the Divine Liturgy at the Church of Christ the Saviour He was assisted by a great number of hierarchs and high-ranking church officials in holy orders, abbots and Moscow deans and priests.