Inter-Christian relations

08.07.2010 17:06

Participants in Russian-Polish youth seminar visit St. Sergius’ Laura of the Trinity

A Russian-Polish youth seminar took place from July 5 to 7, 2010, in Moscow, under the theme ‘Russia and Poland Today and Tomorrow: A View of the Younger Generation’.
08.07.2010 15:26

(Russian) Корсунской епархии передана частица мощей преподобной Геновефы (Женевьевы) Парижской

(Russian) Церемония передачи мощей состоялась в католическом кафедральном соборе святого Макловия города Понтуаза. Епископ Понтуазский Жан-Ив Риокре передал средневековый мощевик архиепископу Корсунскому Иннокентию.
05.07.2010 16:31

DECR vice-chairman: ‘As a Russian citizen I am proud that my country has come out as a third party in the re-examination of the Lautsi versus Italy case in the European Court of Human Rights

On July 5, 2010, a Russian-Polish youth seminar on Russia and Poland Today and Tomorrow: The View of the Younger Generation took place at the Higher School of Economics (HSE). It was organized with the support of the Russian-Polish Public Forum and the Federal Agency for Youth.
02.07.2010 15:29

Metropolitan Vladimir of Kiev and All Ukraine meets with Rev. Andrew Hamburg, president of the Synod of German Evangelical Lutheran Church in Ukraine

They discussed bilateral relations, the website of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church reports. The Rev. Andrew Hamburg is also deputy chairman of the group ‘Reconciliation in Europe – the Churches’ Task in Ukraine, Belarus, Poland and Germany’.
01.07.2010 17:56

World Council of Churches delegation meets with DECR staff

Welcoming the guests, Father Philip told them about the history of the DECR, the oldest Synodal department of the Russian Orthodox Church, as well as its secretariats and work. He also introduced DECR staff to the guests. He noted that at present the Russian Orthodox Church is going through a…
01.07.2010 13:32

Metropolitan Hilarion congratulates Bishop Kurt Koch on his appointment as president of Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity

In a letter to the president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, Bishop Kurt Koch, DECR chairman Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk congratulated him on his appointment to this important post. Below is the text of the congratulatory letter.
01.07.2010 11:11

DECR Chairman meets with the WCC General Secretary

On 30 June 2010, an official meeting between Metropolitan Hilarion, head of the Moscow Patriarchate' Department for External Church Relations, and the General Secretary of the World Council of Churches Rev. Dr. Olaf Fykse Tveit took place at "Danilovskaya" hotel.
30.06.2010 20:06

Press conference given by World Council of Churches General Secretary Rev. Dr. Olav Tveit And Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk

World Council of Churches General Secretary Rev. Dr. Olav Fykse Tveit, who is in Moscow on an official visit, and Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, head of the Moscow Patriarchate’s department for external church relations, answered questions from the Russian and foreign mass media on June 30, 2010, at the DECR.
30.06.2010 12:57

DECR chairman takes part in meeting of World Council of Churches Permanent Committee for Consensus and Cooperation

The World Council of Churches Committee for Consensus and Cooperation took place on June 30 at the Danilovsky hotel compound. The meeting was attended by representatives of Local Orthodox Churches and Protestant and Anglican Churches from various countries of the world.
30.06.2010 11:14

(Russian) Начала работу английская версия сайта Христианского межконфессионального консультативного комитета стран СНГ и Балтии

(Russian) На сайте представлена общая информация о комитете, в дальнейшем будет подробно освещаться его деятельность, различные общественные мероприятия, организуемые Церквами-членами ХМКК.