DECR Chairman
05.10.2011 9:48
(Russian) Митрополит Иларион: «Евхаристия – сердцевина жизни христианина»
(Russian) 4 октября 2011 года в рамках начала работы Общедоступного православного лектория в Центральном доме журналиста председатель Отдела внешних церковных связей Московского Патриархата митрополит Волоколамский Иларион прочел лекцию на тему: «Евхаристия – сердцевина жизни христианина».
04.10.2011 16:43
DECR Chairman presents high church award to Russian diplomat
Metropolitan Hilarion and Mr. Matsegora discussed a number of problems of Orthodoxy in the Korean Peninsula and cooperation between the DECR and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
04.10.2011 13:59
Metropolitan Hilarion chairs first meeting of editorial board of Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate
The first meeting of the editorial board of the Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate took place on October 4, 2011, at the Moscow Patriarchate’s department for external church relations.
03.10.2011 16:06
(Russian) Лекцией митрополита Волоколамского Илариона откроется в этом году Общедоступный православный лекторий
02.10.2011 16:31
His Holiness Patriarch Kirill consecrates the house for disabled children at the Ascension Monastery in Bancheny
02.10.2011 14:39
Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church consecrates Cathedral of the Holy Trinity at the Ascension Monastery in Bancheny
01.10.2011 23:46
(Russian) Митрополит Иларион: ежегодно около 170 тысяч христиан по всему миру подвергаются преследованиям
01.10.2011 23:27
His Holiness Patriarch Kirill begins his primatial visit to the Chernovtsy and Bukovina diocese
On 1 October 2011, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia began his primatial visit to the Chernovtsy and Bukovina diocese.
01.10.2011 13:08
DECR chairman and Russian First Lady attend concert of religious music in Milan
On 30 September 2011, the last day of his trip to Italy, Metropolitan Hilarion, chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Department for External Church Relations, attended the concert of Russian and Italian religious music called “Beauty will save the world” performed in Milan as a part of the Year of Russian…
30.09.2011 21:19