DECR Chairman

07.10.2015 10:50

Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk meets with Vice-President of the German Bundestag

Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk meets with Vice-President of the German Bundestag Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Department for External Church Relations (DECR), met with Mr. Johannes Singhammer, Vice-President of the German Bundestag.
04.10.2015 13:40

Metropolitan Hilarion officiates at the great blessing of the Church of the Twelve Apostles in Narva

Metropolitan Hilarion officiates at the great blessing of the Church of the Twelve Apostles in Narva (Russian) Председатель Отдела внешних церковных связей Московского Патриархата митрополит Волоколамский Иларион посетил Нарву для участия в торжествах по случаю освящения храма святых Двенадцати апостолов.
02.10.2015 13:13

Metropolitan Hilarion: Christianity is the core of our civilization code

Metropolitan Hilarion: Christianity is the core of our civilization code On September 26, 2015, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, anchorman of the Church and the World talk-show on Russia-24 TV network, hosted film director Andrei S. Konchalovsky.
30.09.2015 22:06

DECR chairman congratulates Ambassador of Russia to the Republic of Macedonia

DECR chairman congratulates Ambassador of Russia to the Republic of Macedonia Metropolitan Hilarion congratulated Mr. Scherbak with his 65th birthday and presented him with an award of the Russian Orthodox Church – the medal of the Order of St. Prince Vladimir Equal-to-the-Apostles.
30.09.2015 18:29

DECR chairman meets with the Turkish Ambassador to Russia

DECR chairman meets with the Turkish Ambassador to Russia Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Department for External Church Relations (DECR), met with H.E. Umit Yardim, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Turkey to Russia.
28.09.2015 18:09

Patriarch Kirill’s book presented at the Far East Federal University

Patriarch Kirill’s book presented at the Far East Federal University The book was published by the Moscow Patriarchate Publishers as part of the His Holiness the Patriarch’s Homily series.
27.09.2015 16:23

Celebrations marking the millennium of the blessed demise of the Baptizer of Russia take place in metropolia of Primorye

Celebrations marking the millennium of the blessed demise of the Baptizer of Russia take place in metropolia of Primorye This year permanent members of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church take part in the diocesan celebrations marking the millennium of the blessed demise of the Holy Grand Prince Vladimir, Equal-to-the-Apostles.
26.09.2015 21:25

Celebrations in the metropolia of Priamurye marking the millennium of the blessed demise of the Holy Prince Vladimir, Equal-to-the-Apostles, are concluded

Celebrations in the metropolia of Priamurye marking the millennium of the blessed demise of the Holy Prince Vladimir, Equal-to-the-Apostles, are concluded Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, chairman of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, who was on his visit to Khabarovsk with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the Cathedral of the Holy Transfiguration in Khabarovsk.
25.09.2015 22:30

Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk continues his visit to metropolia of Priamurye

Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk continues his visit to metropolia of Priamurye Among those who took part in the conference, organized by the Khabarovsk diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church and the Government of the Khabarovsk Krai, were clergymen, civil servants, representatives of local government and educational institutions, as well as Russian and Chinese students.
25.09.2015 12:07

Celebrations to mark the centenary of the demise of St Vladimir Equal-to-the-Apostles begin in Khabarovsk

Celebrations to mark the centenary of the demise of St Vladimir Equal-to-the-Apostles begin in Khabarovsk On September 24, 2015, with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, head of the Moscow Patriarchate department for external church relations (DECR) arrived in Khabarovsk for participation, in his capacity as permanent member of the Holy Synod, in the diocesan…