26.01.2021 19:05
An old church in Granada is officially transferred to the Russian Orthodox community
25.01.2021 20:18
Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk meets with head of French diplomatic mission in Moscow
25.01.2021 19:02
Metropolitan Hilarion: Politically correct rules must never interfere with that which is sacred to millions of people
25.01.2021 14:00
DECR chairman meets with newly appointed ambassador of Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in Russian Federation
25.01.2021 13:50
The Metropolitan of Сhersonesus and Western Europe Anthony (Sevryuk) meets ambassador of Russia to the Holy See Alexander Alexeyevich Avdeyev
25.01.2021 12:26
Metropolitan Hilarion: Rules of political correctness are not supposed to authorise intrusion into what is sacred for millions of people
24.01.2021 22:03
Metropolitan Hilarion: In the USA, traditional family structure is being deliberately destroyed

24.01.2021 21:14
Metropolitan Hilarion: The Lord always grants to us the opportunity to display our talents

22.01.2021 18:19
Metropolitan Varsonofy of Vinnitsa tells about unprecedented pressure on the clergymen of Vinnitsa diocese during creation of OCU