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On 8th March 2020, Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy, the conciliar celebration of the Divine Liturgy marked the end of liturgical training for Orthodox clergymen from Indonesia and Thailand. Concelebrating with Metropolitan Sergy of Singapore, Patriarchal Exarch of Southeast Asia, at the Church of the Holy Dormition in Singapore were Hieromonk Pitirim (Dondenko), secretary of the exarchate; clerics of the Dormition Church; and clergymen from Indonesia and Thailand.

During the first week of Lent, at the Dormition Church in Singapore, the clergymen together celebrated daily Lenten divine services, read out the Great Canon of Repentance by St. Andrew of Crete and celebrated the Liturgy of Presanctified Gifts, gaining deeper insight into the Russian liturgical tradition.

There are plans to organize such short-term liturgical trainings at a regular basis.

DECR Communication Service