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His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia has sent the following greeting to Archbishop Leo of Helsinki and All Finland on his 70th birthday:

Your Eminence, Vladyka beloved in the Lord:

I wholeheartedly greet you with the remarkable date in your life – your 7oth birthday.

You have received the grace of priesthood in your youth and have used your strength and many of your talents for labours in the vineyards of Christ. God Almighty has called you to the noble ministry of hierarch and put on your shoulders a heavy cross of responsibility for upholding the eternal Gospel values in the people of Suomi.

In consideration of your labours and in connection with the remarkable date I deem it right to award you with the Order of St. Daniel, the righteous prince of Moscow (2nd class).

May the All-Bountiful God bestow peace and good health on you making you even stronger in your ministry. Many years to you.

With love in Christ,