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November 8, 2017 – Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, head of the Moscow Patriarchate department for external church relations (DECR), accompanied by Hieromonk Nikolay (Ono) and D. Petrovsky, DECR staff member, visited the church of the Faithful Prince Alexander Nevsky in Meguro – the ROC representation in Tokyo. He was welcomed to the church by its rector, Archpriest Nikolay Katsyuban.

Later that day, Russian ambassador to Japan Ye. Afanasyev gave a dinner in honour of the DECR chairman. It was attended by Metropolitan Daniel of Tokyo and All Japan, Archbishop Seraphim of Sendai, counsellor-minister D. Birichevsky, Archpriest Nikolay Katsyuban, Archimandrite Gerasim (Shevtsov) of the Cathedral of the Resurrection in Tokyo, counsellor Yu. Saplin-Sila-Novitsky, and D. Petrovsky, DERC staff member.

DECR Communication Service