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On 11 November 2016, Bishop Antony of Bogorodsk, head of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Administration for Institutions Abroad, paid a brief working visit to the United Arab Emirates.

Upon his arrival at the Dubai international airport, the hierarch visited the Church of the Holy Apostle Philip, located in the Emirate of Sharjah. At the only Russian church on the Arabian Peninsula, Bishop Antony was met by its rector, Archimandrite Alexander (Zarkeshev), the clergy and staff members of the parish.

Bishop Antony of Bogorodsk venerated the shrines of the church, visited a religious and educational centre, and discussed with Archimandrite Alexander various issues of parish life, website of the Church of St Catherine in Rome reports.

DECR Communication Service

Photo by the Church of the Holy Apostle Philip in Sharjah