Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk to lead ceremony of reinterment of Grand Duke Nikolay Nikolayevich Jr. and his wife
On 30 April 2015, the ceremony of reinterment of Grand Duke Nikolay Nikolayevich Jr. and his wife Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolayevna will take place at the Common Military Cemetery in Moscow.
Nikolay Nikolayevich, grandson of Emperor Nicholas I, was the Commander-in-Chief of land and naval forces of the Russian Empire at the outset of the First World War. Later he was the viceroy in the Caucasus and Commander-in-Chief of the Caucasian Army. After the Revolution he was forced to emigrate. Nikolay Nikolayevich died in France in 1929 and was buried at the Church of Archangel Michael in Cannes.
On 27 October 2014, a memorial ceremony took place in Paris, and the same day in the evening the remains of the Grand Duke and his wife were delivered from France to Russia. From the airport, they were transferred to the Moscow Donskoy Stavropegic Monastery.
On 30 April 2015, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk will lead the requiem Liturgy at the Common Military Cemetery in Moscow and the ceremony of reinterment of the remains of Grand Duke Nikolay Nikolayevich Jr. and his wife.
DECR Communication Service