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His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia expressed his condolences to the President of the Republic of Kenya, Mr. Uhuru Kennyatta, over the terrorist attack in Nairobi. The text of the message is given below.


His Excellency Uhuru Kennyatta

President of the Republic of Kenya


Your Excellency,

Dear Mr. President:


The news about the terrorist attack on the Westgate mall echoed with pain in my heart as tens of people were killed and hundreds were injured. The disaster did not pass over your family too. Please accept my profound condolences for the people of Kenya and you personally.

The heinous crime aimed to destroy the inter-ethnic and interreligious harmony and the intimidation of the country’s people has become a challenge to the Kenyan society and the whole world. I hope that the authorities of the country you lead will do all that is possible to prevent such thing from repeating.

I pray to the All-Merciful Lord that the injured may be healed as soon as possible. I sympathize with all those who have lost their relatives, loved ones and friends.


With sincere condolences,

+ Kirill

Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia