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On July 10, 2013, Russian Orthodox members of the Churches in Europe working group of the St. Petersburg Dialogue forum met with the vice-president of the Landtag of Bavaria, Mr. Rienhold Bocklet. The Church’s group was led by Archimandrite Philaret (Bulekov), vice-chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate’s department for external church relations, who is co-chairman of the working group.

Participating in the meeting were also the German coordinator of the Churches in Europe working group, Dr. Johannes Eldemann, director of the Johann Adam Mӧhler Institute for Ecumenism, and Ms. Marita Müller, leader of the St. Petersburg Dialogue projects.

The delegation of the Russian Orthodox Church was introduced to the work of the representative forum and visited the meeting hall. Then Mr. Bocklet gave lunch in honour of the delegation.

DECR Communication Service