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In his message to Mr. John Kerry, Secretary of State of the United States of America. Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Department for External Church Relations, expressed his condolences over the destructive tornado brought down upon the State of Oklahoma. The text of the message is given below.


His Excellency John Kerry

Secretary of State

United States of America



Your Excellency,


The news about the destructive tornado brought down upon the American State of Oklahoma has resounded with pain in my heart. The disaster has taken a heavy toll of many dozens of people and hundreds of people have been injured. The tragedy is aggravated by the fact that among the victims of tornado there are children.


Please accept my sincere condolences in these sorrowful days which have fallen to the lot of the American people. Kindly convey the words of support and consolation to the parents, relatives and loved ones of the dead and injured. I hope for an early healing of the injured.


May the Lord give courage and spiritual consolation to all those who have lost their children, relatives and friends.






+ Hilarion

Metropolitan of Volokolamsk


Department for External Church Relations

Moscow Patriarchate