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November 16, 2012 – Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, head of the Moscow Patriarchate’ department for external church relations, with the blessing of Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, arrived in Belgrade on the invitation of Patriarch Irinej of Serbia.


From the airport the DECR chairman proceeded to the residence of the President of Serbia to meet with the head of the Serbian State.


During their meeting, which lasted over an hour, Metropolitan Hilarion and President Nikolic exchanged thoughts about the past and present situation of the Serbian people, the role of the Serbian Orthodox Church in preserving their identity in the situation of historical hardships and pointed to the indissoluble fraternal bonds uniting the peoples in Serbia and in the countries under the canonical jurisdiction of the Russian Orthodox Church. They also discussed prospects for their cooperation in various areas. Among the topic dealt with was the promotion of the Serbian-Russian project for the interior decoration of the Church of St. Sava in Belgrade, President Nikolic being chairman of the council of trustees for the construction of this church.


DECR Communication Service