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On May 13, 2012, a Festival of Slavic Literature and Culture took place at the concert hall of the Royal College of Music in London. Already traditional, it was held on the initiative of the Diocese of Sourozh.

‘The Festival of Slavic Literature and Culture is a good opportunity for representatives of Slavic Orthodox people living in Great Britain to express their cultural unity. It is also an important contribution to the cultural diversity existing on the British islands’, said Archbishop Yelisey of Sourozh in his address to the participants and guests of the event.

During the festival, Sunday school children of the parish school at the diocesan Cathedral of the Assumption presented a play ‘Saints Cyril and Methodius’. Russian, Ukrainian, Serbian and Bulgarian children’s’ teams performed ethnic songs and dances. The concert was concluded with the singing of the Easter Hymn in Church Slavonic.

Archbishop Yelisey welcomed the guests of the festival. Among them Russian Ambassador A. Yakovenko, Ukrainian Ambassador V. Khandogia, Byelorussian Ambassador A. Mikhnevich and representatives of Bulgaria and Serbia. Present at the festival were also clergy from parishes in Great Britain, expatriates, teachers of children’s linguistic schools and others, the website of the Sourozh Diocese has reported.

DECR Communication Service