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On May 6, 2012, the commemoration day of the Protomartyr George the Victorious, Bishop Nestor of Chersonese led the patronal celebrations at the Parish of St. George in Valencia, Spain.

On the eve of the patron saint’s day, His Grace Nestor as the ruling bishop of the Moscow Patriarchate diocese of Chersonese, who visited the parish for the first time in this capacity, attended the All-Night Vigil led by the rector of the parish, Archpriest Sergiy Prosandeyev.

On St. George’s Day, Bishop Nestor celebrated the Divine Liturgy. Among the worshippers were pilgrims from Russia led by Sister Elizabeth (Krivosheina), mother superior of St. Nicholas’s Convent in Kiev.

Later that day, His Grace Nestor celebrated a prayer service before St. George’s hand kept at the Catholic cathedral in Valencia.

The guardian of the shrine, Catholic priest Miguel Boy Pignon, conveyed to Bishop Nestor a message of greetings from Archbishop Carlos Osoro Sierra of Valencia. In his response, Bishop Nestor thanked the Catholic archbishop of Valencia and the cathedral’s clergy for attention and good attitude to numerous Orthodox pilgrims who come to venerate the relics of St. George.

DECR Communication Service