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On May 6, 2012, the commemoration day of St. George the Victorious, celebrations were held on the occasion of the patronal festival at the St. George Monastery at Götschendorf 80 km away from Berlin.

With the blessing of Archbishop Feofan of Berlin and Germany, the Divine Liturgy was celebrated by the abbot of the monastery, Father Daniel (Irbits). He was assisted by brethren in holy orders and the first protodeacon of the Cathedral of the Resurrection in Berlin, Vitaly Sadakov.

The service was attended by Russian diplomats in Germany, German Foreign Ministry officials as well as guests who came from Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Speaking after the liturgy, Father Daniel thanked the numerous pilgrims who came for a common prayer from Berlin, Rostok, Hannover, Leipzig and Dresden. According to the website of the Russian Orthodox diocese of Berlin and Germany, the Monastery of St. George received about 150 pilgrims and guests on that day.

After the service all the worshippers shared a meal and after it Father Daniel showed them the church of St. George the Victorious under construction at the monastery and told them about prospects for further work to develop the monastery.

DECR Communication Service