Patriarchal congratulations to President Victor Yanukovich on 20th anniversary Ukraine’s independence
His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia sent the following congratulatory message to Ukrainian President Victor Yanukovich on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Ukraine’s independence.
To: His Excellency Victor F. Yanukovich
President of Ukraine
Your Excellency, Highly Esteemed Victor Fedorovich,
I cordially congratulate you and all the Ukrainian people on the 20th anniversary of the independence of your state.
Two decades ago the country gained sovereignty and together with it an opportunity to make her history and determine her future on her own. In the past years the society experienced a great deal of difficulties. But the firm faith and spiritual staunchness made it possible for the Ukrainian people not only to overcome these hardships but also to develop a considerable potential for the further development of the country.
I hope that in the historical development of the sovereign Ukrainian state, an important place will be given in the future as well to the unshakable moral values of Orthodoxy and love for neighbours and the Motherland.
It is my conviction that the free socio-economic development independent of external factors should not impede the preservation and consolidation of age-old ties between the fraternal Slavic nations which came out of the same Kievan font and which are united by a common faith and a common spiritual and cultural heritage, and, I hope with all my heart, by a common future.
I would like to express special gratitude to you for the constructive church-state dialogue conducted in the country today. I am confident that the fruitful cooperation between the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and the secular authorities will continue to contribute to the spiritual revival and moral renewal of the society, to the building of peace and civic accord.
Kindly accept my wishes of good health and God’s help in you work. May the Lord’s blessing be with you and all the Ukrainian people.
With sincere respect,
+ Kirill
Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia