Patriarch Kirill completes his primatial visitation to dioceses of Donetsk and Kharkov
In the afternoon of May 8, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia attended the festive repast given by the ruling bishop of the diocese of Kharkov and the regional governor.
Among those present were His Beatitude Vladimir, Metropolitan of Kiev and All Ukraine, Metropolitan Nikodim of Kharkov and Bogodukhov, Ukrainian Prime Minister V. Tikhonov, Kharkov Governor M. Dobkin, Kharkov Mayor G. Kernes, and Russian Ambassador to Ukraine M. Zurabov.
Addressing Metropolitan Nikodim, His Holiness Kirill said:
“The example of Your Eminence makes it evident to us all that natural constraints associated with old age do not at all affect the intellect or will or temper. We see in you a wise steerer of the church boat here, in the pious Slobozhan land. You are an example for us. May God give every one of us to preserve such clarity of mind and such attitude to people which you show in your age”.
After the repast, Patriarch Kirill visited the Kharkov Diocesan Administration to see the hall in which the Bishops’ Council of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church elected Metropolitan Vladimir (Sabodan) as Primate in 1992. He had a warm talk there with Metropolitan Nikodim and then addressed the numerous faithful from the balcony of the Metropolitan’s residence. He greeted them on the occasion of the Radiant Feast of the Resurrection of Christ and expressed the wish that they may preserve the faith and unity of the Church.
From the diocesan administration His Holiness proceeded to Kharkov’s airport. Among those who saw him off was Mr. Dobkin. His Holiness thanked the governor for the organization of the visit and expressed hope that good relations between the diocese and regional leaders would be developed.
Tomorrow, May 9, the Victory Day, Patriarch Kirill will attend the commemorative event “The Russian Orthodox Church during the 1941-1945 Great Patriotic War” to be held at the cathedral Church of Christ the Saviour.
Patriarchal Press Service
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