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Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia has expressed condolences over the death of Sister Varvara (Trofimova), abbess of the Pyukhtitsy Convent of the Dormition. In his letter to the acting abbess Sister Philareta, he writes:

Reverend Sister,

With deep sorrow I have heard about the death of Sister Varvara, Mother Superior of the Pyukhtitsy Convent.

For over forty years, the sister has fulfilled with humbleness and meekness the task entrusted to her by the Supreme Authority of the Church, giving all her energy, health and talents to the improvement of the convent’s life. Setting an example of fortitude, commitment to the Church and faithfulness to her calling, she has managed to create in the convent an atmosphere of true Christian love, peace and spiritual joy. I remember with invariable warmth the days when I came to Pyukhtitsy with my parents and worshipped. It is through her efforts to a great extent that the Pyukhtitsy Convent has become a real outpost of Orthodoxy in Estonia, to which numerous pilgrims keep flocking for spiritual consolation and support.

The Lord leads people to salvation by various roads. During her last days, Sister Varvara endured a serious disease humbly and patiently. The plans of the Divine Providence are not known to us, but in all circumstance the believing heart finds consolation in the words of St Paul: If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord (Rom. 14:8).

I pray to the Lord of life and death, Who has set the times or dates, that He may repose the soul of the His deceased servant in the dwellings of the righteous.

Eternal memory be to the recently departed Sister Varvara.


Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia