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Since the beginning of the fund-raising campaign in aid to the homeless victims of fires in Russia, the Fund for Assistance to the ROCOR  has collected over 20 thousand dollars. The money is coming from both individual donators and organizations and parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, the website of the Moscow Patriarchate has reported.

Archpriest Victor Potapov, executive director of the Fund and rector of the cathedral in Washington, said about the collection of donations in his cathedral, ‘Both Russian and our American parishioners have prayed for a relief in the destiny of those who are suffering from fires in Russia. In our appeals to parishioners we have cited the remarkable appeal of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia concerning the need to help our neighbours and the fact that in helping our neighbours, we help Christ Himself and ourselves’.

Father Victor thanked all the faithful of the Russian Church Outside Russia who, being far from Russia, remember the victims of fires in their prayers and make their contributions to the relief efforts for the victims.

DECR Communication Service