Working Group for Cooperation between Russian Orthodox Church and Russian World Foundation meeting
A regular meeting of the Working Group for Cooperation between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Russian World Foundation took place on 6 July 2010 at the Russian World Foundation. The Church was represented by Hegumen Philip, cochairman of the Working Group, Rev. Sergiy Zvonarev, DECR secretary for the far-abroad countries, M. Kiselev of the secretariat, and I. Lapshin, deputy head of the development and public relations department of the Moscow Patriarchate Publishers. Participating in the meeting from the Russian World Foundation were V, Istratov, deputy executive director (cochairman of the Working Group), Ms. Yu. Bokova, deputy executive director, and Ms. Yu. Bartseva, the Foundation’s grants manager.
The meeting considered support for the Russian World Foundation’s projects aimed at development of compatriots’ spiritual life and participation of church representatives in the 4th Russian World Assembly to take place on November 3, 2010, in Moscow.